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Evaluation items

.1 Appropriateness of the educational philosophy and goal and the goal in preparing nursing professionals in the nursing college curriculum

Are the educational philosophy and goal of the curriculum appropriate for nursing education and shared?
Are the educational philosophy and goal of the curriculum compatible with development of the philosophy and goal of the college?
Is the picture of individuals to be developed through the curriculum shown concretely?
Are the qualifications (qualifications of candidacy for national examination, etc.) to be given by graduation from that curriculum clearly shown and officially announced?
Does the founder of the college clearly show the policy and idea supporting the educational and research activities in the nursing curriculum?

2. Appropriateness of curriculum and education activities

a. Curriculum

2a-1 Organization policy
Is the curriculum organization policy (way of thinking) appropriate for the education philosophy, goal and picture of individuals to be developed show clearly?
Can the integrity of curriculum as a system and the appropriateness of liberal arts/professional education balance be confirmed and clearly shown?

2a-2 Composition of classes
Is the professional course systematized with the subjects and contents of classes organized to instruct the students efficiently in basics of nursing science?
Is the profession-related course composed of educational contents in related fields necessary for studying nursing science with the purpose/goal of each class shown and appropriately systematized?
Is the liberal arts course composed of educational contents complying with the purpose/goal of the development of professionals?

2a-3 Rationale for practical training
Is a fully worked out plan that unified theory and practice prepared on the basis of practical training?
In the process of practical training, are the students suitably taught the basics of forming human relationship between the object of nursing and nurse?
Regarding the practical nursing ability (techniques, understanding of practical nursing) presented as the goal to be achieved on graduation, are the students suitably taught and the level of acquired skill confirmed?

2a-4 Education after transfer admission
Is the purpose/goal of education for transfer students clearly shown on the basis of educational philosophy and goal?
Is a systematic curriculum with the already learned skill and level taken into consideration formed for transfer students?
Are transfer students given guidance about the educational purpose/goal and learning method as well as course selection advices as necessary?

b. Education activities

2b-1 Systematic pursuit of education activities
Is the organization engaging in the planning/management/practice of education activities composed appropriately and functioning?
Is collaboration between faculty and the administrative body in systematic activities functioning appropriately?
Are systematic efforts made to improve and enrich education activities?

2b-2 Education implementation system
In professional course, is a system suitable for teaching “fundamentals of profession� put in order?
In profession-related course, is a system equipped with the educational content indispensable to the teaching of professional subjects put in order?
Is a system for liberal arts education put in order and practiced?

2b-3 Course selection advices
Are the students adequately explained about the education philosophy, goal, composition of curriculum, intention for class groups, and the progress/steps of coursework?
Is guidance on admission and beginning of school term provided in a planned manner?
Is the plan for course selection advices always reviewed?

2b-4 Development of practical training
Is ethics in nursing and practical training of nursing taught concretely?
Are the students given information that care provided by professional nurses is constantly innovated?
Are the reliable measures against infections and safety measures taken and taught to the students?
Are the methods of coping with accidents occurring during practical training defined and taught to the students?

c. Effect of education

2c-1 Evaluation of achievement
Is evaluation in classes carried out strictly by checking against the goal in class-work/achievement?
Do teachers involved in evaluation share the common criteria for evaluation?

2c-2 Confirmation system of the achievement level on graduation
Are the system of confirmation of achievement level on graduation in respect to practical nursing ability and the actual state of confirmation appropriate?

2c-3 Measurement/evaluation of the effect of education activities
Is the percentage of graduates who completed curriculum within the term of training appropriate, and are necessary measures taken?
Is the state of license acquirement on graduation appropriate?

3. Appropriateness of acceptance of students

3. Appropriateness of acceptance of students
Are the student image and the policy on student selection for the curriculum clearly defined and formally announced?

3-2 Student selection method
Is an appropriate method of selection adopted that complies with the policy on acceptance of candidates for the curriculum?
Is the student selection method validated and measures for its improvement examined?

3-3 System for implementation of entrance examination
Is the system appropriate for the selection of students for the curriculum?
Is the examination data management system established that is compatible with maintenance of accuracy and confidentiality?
Is transparent management ensured such as public disclosure of the questions and answers of entrance examination?

3-4 Appropriateness of student quota management
Is the number of positions appropriate?
Is the number of admitted students appropriate?

4. Appropriateness of support activities for student life

4-1 Support of study
Is the study support offered such as course selection advices appropriate to the curriculum?

4-2. Improvement of learning environment
Are the environment encouraging independent studying and the support system provided?

4-3 Support of healthy life
Is a professional counselor assigned for physical and mental health counseling?
In the system for physical and mental health counseling, are the student’s privacy and convenience taken into consideration?

4-4 Support of job finding
Is the information on job openings provided to students and the system for counseling/guidance for students looking for positions put in order and implemented appropriately?

4-5 Measures for safety and harassment prevention
Is the system for coping with various problems (damages, harassment) in students� life put in order and used in guiding students?
Is counseling for economic problems provided and functioning appropriately?

5. Appropriateness of research activities supporting education

5-1 Implementation of research on nursing education and nursing science
Are nursing science teachers conducting research on the education and academic subjects supporting the advancement of learning related to their specialties?
Are the teachers publishing their work appropriately?

5-2 Research by teachers other than those of nursing science
Is each teacher conducting research on education and academic subjects supporting the advancement of learning related to his/her specialty?
Are the teachers publishing their work appropriately?

5-3 Getting research grants
Are the teachers for the curriculum getting grant for their research?
Are the said teachers securing external grants appropriately?

6. Appropriateness of organization for education and research

6-1 Organization for education and research
Is the teachers� union fit for nursing education organized?
Is a system of liberal arts and profession-related courses for achieving the goal/philosophy of the curriculum balanced well and functioning?

6-2 Management of education and research organization
Does the person responsible for nursing education and research of the nursing curriculum occupy an appropriate position in the organization?
Is an organization for discussing important matters related to the education and research activities of the nursing curriculum established and functioning?

6-3 Teachers and education supporters
Are the teachers and education supporters necessary for achieving the goal of curriculum appropriately secured?
Is there a policy for securing appropriate personnel to activate education activities with the personnel adequately secured?
Regarding practical training, are teachers and education supporters undergoing periodical trainings?

7. Appropriateness of evaluation of the teachers’ achievements

7-1 Assessment of educational ability and education activities
Are teachers conducting self-assessment of their own classes and trying to improve their educational ability on the basis of this assessment?
Is there a system of peer review by which the teachers mutually evaluate and improve lessons?
Are teachers contributing sufficiently to education of the nursing curriculum?

7-2 Assessment of research activities
Are the teachers engaged in research contributing to the enrichment and development of the nursing curriculum?
Does the nursing curriculum have a system of peer reviews of research activities among teachers?
Are the results of research to enrich and develop the nursing curriculum appropriately disclosed?

7-3 Assessment of participation in the management of college
Are the teachers participating appropriately in the management of the nursing curriculum?
Regarding the teachers� participation in the management of college, is there a system for organized self-assessment and peer reviews among the teachers?
Do the committees with which the teachers are affiliated have a system for self-assessment of activities, and are the committees implementing it?
Is there a system under which a person responsible for the nursing curriculum evaluates the records of participation in the college management?

7-4 Assessment of activities contributing to society
Is there a system under which each teacher performs self-assessment of the social contribution activities suitable for his/her specialty as a teacher of the nursing curriculum?
Are the social contribution activities implemented to improve the quality of nursing and nursing professional in a region including practical training facilities?
Is there a system under which the social contribution activities are evaluated by the external party?

8. Appropriateness of efforts for the development of educational ability

8-1 System of organized efforts
Does the college have the policy for educational ability development and implementation system appropriate for the nursing curriculum?
Are teachers independently making efforts?
Is the fund necessary for development of educational ability secured?

8-2 Efforts for faculty development
Are teachers of the nursing curriculum provided appropriate training for rendering the undergraduate curriculum as education activities from a comprehensive viewpoint?
Are the organized efforts made in respect to the need for faculty development of the teachers of the nursing curriculum?
Are the training opportunities for the teachers of nursing science to maintain and improve their practical ability on the site of nursing, etc. systematically prepared?
Are the organized and intentional efforts made to develop the teachers� ability for enrichment of the teaching method for the nursing curriculum?
Are research and training made for development of the teaching method concerned with practical training of nursing?
For field-side instructors, are efforts being made to enhance the ability to teach students of the nursing curriculum?

8-3 Evaluation of the results of efforts
Are diverse methods for efforts being tried and the improved results obtained?
Is evaluation made independently by the participating teachers, and the measures for improvement based on that evaluation being taken?

9. Appropriateness of the maintenance of facilities and equipments

9-1 Maintenance of facilities and equipments
9-1 Maintenance of facilities and equipments
Are the facilities necessary for practical training in the nursing curriculum secured?

9-2 Management of facilities and equipments
Is there a system for the management of practical training rooms as the learning environment, and is the system functioning?
Is a system of safety management based on the Industrial Waste Treatment Law applied to the medical waste established and well known to the faculty and students?
Is the library for the nursing curriculum put in order so that members concerned with the curriculum can utilize well?

10. Appropriateness of various activities for contribution to society

10-1 Contribution by undergraduate education
Is the state of job finding by the graduates favorable for achieving the social mission of the nursing curriculum?

10-2 Support of lifelong learning of nursing students by training, etc.
Is the training of external nursing professionals by the nursing curriculum teachers useful as a lifelong support for improvement of their specialties?

10-3 Contribution by research activities, etc
Are teachers contributing to the improvement of the quality of regional nursing service through their involvement with the practical training facilities?
In education and research activities and the regional contribution by social activities of the parent college, are various activities aimed at the development of nursing science placed in a suitable position and appropriately evaluated?

11 Appropriateness of administration/management and budgetary control

11-1 Faculty meetings/committees
Is the dynamic committee system established and functioning for independent and organized management of nursing education by the nursing curriculum?
Is the decision-making process in the nursing curriculum clearly established and operated appropriately?
Are the matters necessary for the management of nursing curriculum appropriately taken up by the faculty meeting of the parent college?

11-2 Appropriate collaboration in the overall college system
Is an appropriate rule established by which a decision as a college is made at the faculty meeting of the parent college about a problem put forward by the nursing curriculum?
Is an appropriate rule established by which a decision as a college is made at the faculty meeting of the parent college about a problem put forward by the nursing curriculum?

11-3 Collaboration with the administrative organization
Is the administrative organization supporting the education activities in the nursing curriculum put in order and functioning well?

11-4 Enrichment of external education facilities
Is the parent college making efforts on its own to secure the practical training facilities outside the campus for the nursing curriculum?

11-5 Securing the fund for expenses and proper management
In achieving the purpose/goal of education and research for the nursing curriculum, is necessary budgetary measure taken appropriately?
Is the assignment of research fund to the teachers of nursing curriculum made properly?
Are the expenses for the nursing curriculum analyzed to make financial plan?
Are the expenses for the nursing curriculum analyzed to make financial plan?

11-6 Preparing ethical education environments
In daily activities of the control and management by the parent college, is ethical consideration given to the constituent members (students, faculty)?
In nursing education by the nursing curriculum, is ethical consideration taken up reliably?

11-7 Safety management and health control
Are reliable measures shown and taken to the students in nursing curriculum about ensuring safety and management of daily life?
Regarding control of the health of mind and body of the students involved in education activities in nursing curriculum, are appropriate measures taken?

12 Appropriateness of self-assessment and external evaluation activities

12-1 Organization and function
Does the nursing curriculum have an independent self-assessment system and is this system functioning?
Does the nursing curriculum have an independent self-assessment system and is this system functioning?

12-2 Self-assessment items and enforcement plan
Are the self-assessment items set up that are specific to the nursing curriculum?
Is there an enforcement plan for the self-assessment?

12-3 Assessment by the external party
Is there a system to receive the opinions and assessments by the external party in respect to the development of professional nurses in the nursing curriculum?
Are improvement measures made that are based on the said external party’s opinion?

12-4 Accreditation evaluation
Are the results of improvement measures based on institutional accreditation disclosed?

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